The New EV Community Bus
There is so much exciting stuff going on on the Island at the moment. The Community Shop and Post Office, the funding for which is going like a steam train with everyone contributing, New affordable housing at the planning stage; The Cathedral Church possibly passing into Community ownership soon, a successful Heritage Centre, an amazingly busy Cafe, the Lismore Public Hall that is working hard to regenerate itself, and looking forward to returning to pre-Covid levels of social activity, and now is currently hosting the new EV charge point which will soon be available as a public facility.
Add to all of that the excitement of the arrival of our New EV Community Bus and the launch last Thursday evening at the Hall. What a happy event that was - great food, a glass of wine and good company - to celebrate our collective good fortune. Don't forget that we we have adjusted our policy to now include every Lismore resident over the age of 16 who becomes a member (membership is free). Tell us what days you would like our service and with the help of our volunteer drivers, we’ll work with you to deliver.
In recognition of Lismore Community Transport’s great good fortune in being provided with 100% funding by Transport Scotland and the Energy Saving Trust for the acquisition of our new vehicle we decided to share some of the benefit with the island Trust, as another charitable island community body, by offering our previous vehicle at a discounted price to meet its needs for conveying stock for the community shop from the mainland. We think that all of the above adds up to one great big dollop of wonderful social glue…aren’t we lucky?
Thanks to Andy Greatrix for his wonderful drawings.